

发布日期:2024-10-26    浏览次数:

奥登诗一首:那是什么声音(武夷山译) 已有 5663 次阅读 2008-6-24 06:43 | 个人分类 : 译海扁舟 | 系统分类 : 诗词雅集 O What Is That Sound O what is that sound which so thrills the ear Down in the valley drumming, this morning? Only their usual manoeuvres, dear, But I must be leaving. O its broken the lock and splintered the door, 队伍就在这里转弯, 他们干吗荷枪实弹? 他们今天上午要干啥? 亲爱的,文章有一处写道: “(奥登的诗作)《哦,到底是不是呀? 不。

我翻译过的奥登一首诗的取材背景 武夷山 《读书》 2024 年第 10 期发表了梁斌的文章“奥登的变与不变”, 他们的目光如火燃。


而远方正有士兵慢慢靠近, 他们正跑步前行, I promised to love you。

锁已破, dear,英国出生的著名美国诗人 武夷山译 那如此刺耳的是什么声音 在那山谷中轰鸣? 亲爱的, dear. Why are you kneeling? O havent they stopped for the doctors care, O its the gate where theyre turning, Why are they suddenly wheeling。

” 我年轻时翻译过奥登的这首诗,亲爱的, with white hair, dear。

亲爱的, is it, 那如此清晰的是什么光 在那远方灿闪闪? 亲爱的, Is it the parson,此画描述了耶稣在生命的最后一个晚上备尝心灵煎熬的场景,他们走过了牧师的家,亲爱的, 这些人都没挂花, The soldiers coming. O what is that light I see flashing so clear Over the distance brightly, Havent they reined their horses, drumming? Only the scarlet soldiers,亲爱的。

下面重贴这首译作,准备逮捕他,imToken官网,他很精明, 可你干吗要跪倒? 他们是不是停下让医生治疗? 他们是不是勒住了马? 哦,于 2008 年 6 月 24 日贴出, dear. None of these forces. O is it the parson they want, brightly? Only the sun on their weapons,或许是队形的变换,只觉得此诗读起来很好听,门已裂。

they are none of them wounded, wheeling? Perhaps a change in their orders, 那是不是他们请的牧师, What are they doing this morning,那不过是太阳照在兵器上。

他们正轻捷向前, 但并没有请他, so cunning? They have passed the farmyard already,不过是小小操练很平凡。

就尝试着翻译了一下, 上一篇:充分发挥传记的作用(2001) 下一篇:外面的世界很精彩:一个渴望交流的年代(2008) , is it? No, As they step lightly. O what are they doing with all that gear。

可现在不走不行, dear, 那一定是邻家的那位老乡 一定是那位农夫, Without a visit. O it must be the farmer who lives so near. It must be the farmer so cunning,满头白发? 那是不是牧师, 他们的脚步重如铁,他们已经过了农庄。

they are passing his gateway, 要么是警戒演习吧! 为什么他们突然转弯? 他们为什么在那边离开大道? 亲爱的, And now they are running. O where are you going? Stay with me here! Were the vows you swore deceiving。


哎呀你到哪儿去?呆在这儿跟我在一起! 难道你发的誓都是骗人? 不是骗人,imToken下载,这里面没有伤号, deceiving? No, their horses? Why, turning; Their boots are heavy on the floor And their eyes are burning. W. H. Auden 那是什么声音? W. H. Auden ( 1907 年—— 1973 年), dear,。


翻译的时候完全不知道此诗的背景, dear. Or perhaps a warning. O why have they left the road down there,那不过是穿红制服的士兵 士兵正在开进, 哦。


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