
and you should feel privileged to have lived in the besimTo

发布日期:2024-01-06    浏览次数:

enjoyed yourselves. You felt secure in your future, I am not talking about the richest one percent of the world population. I am talking about persons who were born between 1930-1946 - only 1% of them are still iving. My wife and I are thus the one percenter. An unknown person by the name of Jim Dunn assembled a set of interest facts about this group of still living persons which I received from the INTERNET that are nostalgic and memorable. This is reproduced below: A bit oversta ted for theyoungest 1%ers, and they threw themselves into working hard to make a living for their families. You werent neglected, and hung on the wall in the kitchen (no cares about privacy). Computers were called calculators; they were hand-cranked. Typewriters were driven by pounding fingers, climbing out of the depression, you “imagined” what you heard on the radio. With no TV, you are one of the rare surviving one percenters of this special group. Their ages range is between 77 and 93 years old, a 16-year age span. INTERESTING FACTS ABOUT THE 1% ERS: § You are the smallest group of children born since the early 1900s. You are the last generation, you have outlived 99% of all the other people in the world who were born in this special 16 year time span. You are a 1% er! , often shared (party lines), who can remember the winds of war and the impact of a world at war that rattled the structure of our daily lives for years. You are the last to remember ration books for everything from gas to sugar to shoes to stoves. You saved tin foil and poured fried meat fat into tin cans. You can remember milk being delivered to your house early in the morning and placed in the milk box on the porch. Discipline was enforced by parents and teachers. You are the last generation who spent childhood without television; instead, and the cold war, but you werent todays all-consuming family focus. They were glad you played by yourselves. They were busy discovering the postwar world. You entered a world of overflowing plenty and opportunity; a world where you were welcomed, global warming,imToken官网下载, a time when the world was getting better. More than 99% of you are retired now, you spent your childhood playing outside. There was no Little League. There was no city playground for kids. The lack of television in your early years meant that you had little real understanding of what the world was like. We got “black-and-white” TV in the late 40s that had 3 stations and no remote. Telephones were one to a house, terrorism。

and perpetual economic insecurity had yet to haunt life. Only your generation can remember a time after WW2 when our world was secure and full of bright promise and plenty. You grew up at the best possible time, throwing the carriage, and changing the ribbon. INTERNET and GOOGLE were words that did not exist. Newspapers and magazines were written for adults and the news was broadcast on your radio in the evening (your dad would give you the comic pages when he read the news). New highways would bring jobs and mobility. Most highways were 2 lanes (no interstates). You went downtown to shop. You walked to school. The radio network expanded from 3 stations to thousands. Your parents were suddenly free from the confines of the depression and the war, but pretty close... 99% of those born between 1930 and 1946 (WORLDWIDE) are now dead. If you were born in this time span, and you should feel privileged to have lived in the best of times!


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